兄の仇 Revenge
(帝国領・グロンダーズ平原 昼)
村娘: ふふ……ふっ、あははははは!少しは後ろに注意されたらどうです、殿下?
Fleche: Have I caught you off guard, your highness?
Aww, does it hurt? I bet it hurts reaaaal bad, doesn't it? But it's nothing compared to what my brother felt!
You will never be forgiven, you know. I will never forgive you!
ディミトリ: ………………。……ああ、そうか。お前は……
Dimitri: You... You must be...
村娘: このおぞましい化け物が……!死ねッ! 死んでしまええええッ!!
Fleche: You filthy monster! It's time to DIIIIE!
ロドリグ: ……殿下ッ!
がっ…………Byleth殿! やれ!
Rodrigue: Dimitri!
Gah... P-Professor... Do it now!
村娘: あ……
Fleche: Agahhhh!
B-Brother... Help... me...
ディミトリ: ……ロドリグ!
Dimitri: Rodrigue!
ロドリグ: ……ご無事でしたか、殿下。……なんだ、もしや、余計なお世話、でしたかな……?
Rodrigue: Your highness... Are you safe? Please tell me... it wasn't in vain...
ディミトリ: あれは……あれは、俺が受けるべき報いだった。
Dimitri: This punishment... it was mine to bear.
ロドリグ: 戦場に……罪も報いも、ありませんよ……。
Rodrigue: There are no sins or punishments... on the battlefield...
ディミトリ: ……死ぬな。
Dimitri: NO! Don't die... Please, don't die!
ディミトリ: 父上も、継母上も、グレンも(、ドゥドゥーも)皆、俺を置いて死んでいった。
Dimitri: Father, Stepmother, Glenn... They all died and left me behind.
ディミトリ: ロドリグ……お前も、あの亡霊の群れの中へ行くのか。
Dimitri: Rodrigue... Are you to join the ghosts who shadow my every move?
This is my fault... I... I'm the one who killed you, as surely as though I had wielded the blade!
Are you to join は合ってるか? going が抜けていないか?
ロドリグ: ……ふ。
Rodrigue: Heh.
Your highness. You have one thing... terribly wrong.
None of them... none of us... died for you. I'm dying for what I believe in... just as they did.
Your life is your own. It belongs to no other, living or dead.
Live for what you believe in.
Dimitri... My boy... You really do look just like his majesty...
(1176年 王都フェルディア 昼)
ロドリグ: ……何を言っている、ランベール!
Rodrigue: What are you saying, Lambert?!
ランベール: 俺はダスカーへ向かう、と言った。お前が何と言おうが、その意志は変わらん。
Lambert: I am heading to Duscur. And before you start, nothing you could say would change my mind.
You worry too much, my friend. So far relations with Duscur have been going smoothly, wouldn't you say?
You of all people should appreciate how critical these negotiations are.
ロドリグ: それは、そうだが……やはり、国王であるお前自ら出向くなど……。
Rodrigue: Of course I do, but... for the king himself to make the journey... You must admit that it's dangerous.
And His Highness is still so young. If the worst should happen...
ランベール: ……たとえ万が一があっても、大丈夫さ。
Lambert: Even if the worst should happen, he would be OK.
He's a smart boy, Rodrigue. Even if he should lose his father, I have no doubt that he will grow to be a good and respectable man.
ロドリグ: ……ランベール。
Rodrigue: Lambert...
ランベール: だが……もしいつか、あいつが道を誤ったなら、その時はロドリグ、お前が……
Lambert: However... If he ever starts down the wrong path and I am not here to set him straight, I am trusting you to do so in my stead, old friend. Promise me.
ロドリグ: ……ランベール。俺は……あの日の、約束を……
Rodrigue: Lambert... My promise... I...